There has recently been some talk about the DesertXpress and whether it should even be built. The route would go from Las Vegas to Victorville, CA. The big fuss is the southern terminus. Detractors say that the project is slated for failure just because it doesn't go to Los Angeles. The DesertXpress builders cite costs as they're trying to build the line without federal funding.
I agree with the builders in that private companies need to play a role in providing passenger service. Also, a future extension from Victorville to Palmdale should become an extension to Los Angeles. DesertXpress would pay the California High Speed Rail Authority rights fees to operate a limited number of trains on the latter's line, saving it money and extremely costly and lengthy environmental evaluations. If it can be pulled off, then DesertXpress would make more progress than Amtrak management or the states of California and Nevada in restoring some kind of train service between Las Vegas and Southern California. There has been talk about new L.A.-Vegas service in the last decade-plus (even with Talgos), but still the people in that area wait.